Watch the videos below and choose the correct coding for each one. Scroll to the end to see the answers.
Scenario A: Mobility
Coding options:
0. Independent - no physical assistance, setup, or supervision in any episode
1. Independent, setup help only - article or device provided or placed within reach, no physical assistance or supervision in any episode (Coding in CA is 0. for Set up help)
2. Supervision - oversight/cueing (Coding in CA is 1. for Supervision)
Scenario B: Walking
Coding options:
0. Independent - no physical assistance, setup, or supervision in any episode
1. Independent, setup help only - article or device provided or placed within reach, no physical assistance or supervision in any episode (coding in CA is 0. for set up help)
2. Supervision - oversight/cueing (coding in CA is 1. for supervision).
Scenario C: Toilet transfer
Coding options:
0. Independent - no physical assistance, setup, or supervision in any episode
1. Independent, setup help only - article or device provided or placed within reach, no physical assistance or supervision in any episode (coding in CA is 0. for set up help)
2. Supervision - oversight/cueing (Coding in CA is 1. for supervision).
Coding Set-up help means that a family member, caregiver, or someone else, gives the person an item to enable the person to complete the task independently. Here are some examples:
- If a caregiver or family member puts a person’s walker within reach every time they want to walk, this is classified as set-up help.
If the person was given a frame, raised toilet seat or grab rail one month ago, but they have used the item(s) alone, they are independent. This is not classified as set-up help.
Scenario A answer - 1, independent, setup help only
Scenario B answer - 2, supervision - oversight/cueing
Scenario C answer - 1, independent, setup help only - article or device provided or placed within reach, no physical assistance or supervision in any episode.